Daytona Bike Week 2012

Daytona held its 71st annual bike week over the past week. Every Harley Davidson dealer in the area were throwing party’s and having concerts. As well the local bars in Daytona Beach. I went to take some photos last Wednesday, and it was an interesting trip. I witnessed everything from the clean-cut retired couples, to the down right scary tatted up bikers. I saw two bike wrecks also, who ever you they were, I send up a prayer for them. People on motorcycles may not always use their heads, and not be the most respectful to other motorist on the road. Just keep this in mind, if you were on a bike regardless of how you feel about them, you would want the person in the car next to you to look out. And that goes for the people on motorcycles as well. Here are some shots of bikes and the event.
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